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Greece: General strike on Thursday to affect transport, media, public sector

Public transport, rail and air travel will be heavily affected by Thursday’s general strike called in protest at labor reform legislation, with the private and public sector, as well as journalists joining the walkout.

In Athens, the metro, tram, trolley buses and the suburban railway will be out of operation all day, while buses will run from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. There will be no rail or ferry services across the country, including overnight ones, which will affect some early travel tomorrow.

There will also be a work stoppage by flight information service officers and air traffic safety electronics personnel from 11.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. and travelers must call their airlines to see if this will affect scheduled flights.

Private and public sector unions will hold rallies in central Athens this morning.

Journalists in print and digital media will also be walking off the job, along with other workers in much of the private sector and the entirety of its public administration.

News websites were not updating their content, while no Wednesday newspapers would be printed.