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Greece building new relationship of trust and equality with the EU

Greece took an important step to promote the main reforms provided in the National Plan of the Recovery Fund in the last days with a series of meetings and events with high-ranking European officials in Athens, leaving behind the enhanced surveillance status and building a new relationship of trust and equality with the European Union.

From the high-ranking European officials who met in the halls of the Byzantine Museum and the National Gallery and were guided from classical to modern Greece, warm words were heard about “Greece that returned to Europe”, as the French ambassador said, about the “new Greece”, as well as for its reform course which became a “case study”.

The “excellent cooperation” for the promotion of the reforms, which are proceeding following relevant requests from the Greek authorities for technical assistance to the European Commission, are highlighted by the officials of the competent Directorate General for Structural Reform Support of the European Commission (DG REFORM), who express the “readiness” to provide the Greek side with the necessary “technical support”.

The statements of the European officials were made on the occasion of “the strategic dialogue” held between the two sides on June 29 in Athens between DG REFORM, the General Secretariat of Coordination of the Greek government and more than 140 representatives of the Greek authorities.
