Fifth body found on burnt ‘Euroferry Olympia’ ship; six people still missing

Another body was discovered by a fire brigade disasters team (EMAK) on the burnt ship ‘Euroferry Olympia’ later on Thursday, bringing the total fire fatalities to 5 and leaving another 6 unaccounted for.
The body, burnt beyond recognition, was found at the third garage of the ferry where a fire broke out early on Friday (Feb. 18) while the ship was travelling from Igoumenitsa to Brindisi. The ship was carrying cars and trucks and was towed from NE of Erikoussa island to Astakos on the western coast of Greece.
A total of 281 passengers and crew have been rescued and were transported to nearby Corfu hospitals and hotels.
Rescue workers are continuing to search the interior of the ferry, while the ship’s main ramp will be lowered once the level of carbon dioxide within the vessel has dropped and there is no risk of fires rekindling.