Feast Day of the Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Athens, Greece

On Wednesday, 6 December 2023, the Church of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Athens celebrated the memory of Saint Nicholas. His Eminence Metropolitan Theodoritos of Laodicea, Director of the Representative Office of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, presided over the Feast Day Divine Liturgy.
Present for the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy were, among others, Archons of the Holy and Great Church of Christ, represented by the Vice-president of the “Panagia Pammakaristos” Association, Mr. Gerasimos Fokas, the Ambassador of Great Britain in Athens, His Excellency Matthew Lodge, the Board of Directors of the Benevolent Society of the Athens Nursing Home, lead by its president Mr. Spyros Hamakiotis, the president of the Halki Theological School Graduates Association, Professor Nikolaos Xexakis, and many local faithful.