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Ecumenical Patriarch in Estonia – Estonian President referred to support to Church of Ukraine

His All-Holiness Εcumenical Patriarch Bartholomew paid an official visit to Estonia on the occasion of the 100-year anniversary (Centennial) since autonomy was granted to the local Orthodox Church by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

On Tuesday, September 12, 2023, immediately after his arrival, the Ecumenical Patriarch met President of the Republic of Estonia Mr. Alar Karis, in the official Presidential Residence, and Prime Minister Kaja Kallas at his official residence in Tallinn.

Metropolitan Stefanos of Tallinn and All Estonia, Metropolitans accompanying the Ecumenical Patriarch, as well as associates of the two leaders attended the meetings, which were held in a cordial atmosphere.

At the end of the meeting at the Presidential Residence, in the joint statements that followed, the President warmly welcomed the Ecumenical Patriarch in Estonia. He thanked him for his support towards the Orthodox Church in Estonia, noting that in recent years the “Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church”, led by Metropolitan Stephanos of Tallinn and All Estonia, has contributed greatly to the cohesion of Estonian society and to meeting the spiritual needs of Orthodox believers.

The President of the Republic praised the strong stance taken by the Ecumenical Patriarch in favor of the war-torn Ukrainian people and of the Autocephalous Church of Ukraine.

The President then expressed his appreciation for the Ecumenical Patriarch’s contribution to the protection of the natural environment, recalling the environmental symposium organised by the Ecumenical Patriarchate for the Baltic Sea, part of which was held in Estonia.

The Ecumenical Patriarch referred to the important event of the 100-year anniversary since the granting of autonomy to the Church of Estonia by the Mother Church of Constantinople, and expressed his joy for his visit to the country.

Ecumenical Patriarch attended official dinners in Estonia

The Ecumenical Patriarch attended an official dinner given by MP Annely Akkerman at the parliament building, on Wednesday afternoon, 13 September 2023.

The Greek ambassador in Estonia Mr. Georgios Papadopoulos gave a dinner in honour of the Ecumenical Patriarch last night. Metropolitan Stephanos of Tallinn and all Estonia and the members of the patriarchal entourage attended the dinner as well as ambassadors of other countries in Estonia and high-profile figures.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presided over Doxology at Cathedral of Saints Simeon and Anne in Tallinn

It is recalled that on Wednesday morning, 13 September 2023, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presided over the Doxology that was held to mark the centenary of the autonomy of the Church of Estonia at the Holy Cathedral of Saints Simeon and Anne in Tallinn.

Τhe Ecumenical Patriarch, in his homily, referred to the way Autonomy was granted to the Church of Estonia by the Ecumenical Throne.
