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Delegation from the Local Government of Crete makes visit to Victoria, Australia

The delegation from the local government of Crete, which is visiting Australia, was welcomed at the offices of the Archdiocesan District of Northcote in Victoria, Australia, consisting of the Deputy Regional Governor of Crete Maria Lioni, the Regional Councilor in the field of Hellenes Abroad, Mr. Konstantinos Fasoulakis, the Mayor of Malevizi Mr. Menelaos Bokeas, the Secretary of the Regional Council Mr. Georgia Milakis, the Regional Councilors Mr. Costas Dandoulakis and Mr. Nikos Manousakis, the Deputy Director of the Historical Museum of Crete Mr. Agisilaos Kaloutsakis, and the screenwriter of the documentary “Krousonas: In the footsteps of Captain Satan”, Katerina Bikaki.

The delegation was welcomed on behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, by Their Graces, Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis and Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta.

During the visit, Their Graces and their associates guided the visitors through the premises of the Holy Monastery of Axion Esti, and especially in the welfare offices (Pronia), where the coordinator Mr. Ioannis Pilalidis briefly presented the programs and activities of the Centre.

A tour of the Bookstore of the Holy Archdiocese followed, while their Graces shared with the members of the delegation the vision of the Archdiocese and His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia for the utilisation and further development of the Holy Monastery of Axion Esti.

Their Graces also informed the visitors about the annual celebration of the memory of the Holy Four Cretan New Martyrs that takes place at the Archdiocese Monastery of Axion Esti. The Holy Icon of the Saints, donated to the Archdiocesan Church by the Cretan community, was placed for veneration.

On behalf of the Archbishop, Their Graces hosted a dinner for the members of the delegation from Crete, during which gifts were exchanged, in memory of the visit.

It is noted that the Consul General of Greece in Melbourne, Mr. Emmanuel Kakavelakis, was present during the visit as well as the President of the Victoria Inter-communities Committee and President of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand, Mr. Antonios Tsourdalakis.

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