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Central Youth Adelaide: Q & A event about Holy and Great Lent

On Sunday 3rd of April 2022, the St Stephen’s Central Youth Committee of the Archdiocesan District of Adelaide convened another of its popular live Q & A sessions for youth and young adults aged 15-30. Following the same successful formula used by previous sessions, the evening again made good use of the interactive software “Menti” to take questions and elicit discussion.

This session’s theme was on the topic of Great Lent. There were a wide variety of questions that showed how engaged our youth are on this topic, and how eager they are to learn more about the Great Fast and about our Faith in general.

The panellists were ably led by the Vicar of the District – His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope – along with two of his priests, Fr John Psalios (St Spyridon, Unley) and Fr Jeremy Krieg (St Nectarios, Croydon Park, and CEO-Greek Welfare Centre). Together the clergy were able to present and lead an interesting and engaging discussion that helped to build on the young audience’s enthusiasm and encourage them all on their spiritual journey.

The event was kindly hosted by the Youth Committee of the Parish of St Anthony’s Prospect, comprised of dedicated young volunteers who took the lead for setting up their Parish hall, and for providing the delicious free hot chips for all those present.


In all, it was again a very worthwhile and encouraging event and the Archdiocesan District of Adelaide looks forward to doing many more in the future.