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Carpos and Alphaeus, Apostles of the 70 (26 May)

Saint Carpus was one of the Seventy Apostles chosen and sent forth to preach by Christ (Luke 10:1). He was bishop of Verria in Macedonia.

Carpus was one of the Seventy Apostles. He was a follower and companion of the Apostle Paul, by whom he was appointed Bishop of Varna in Thrace. He also preached the Gospel on Crete, where he received St. Dionysius the Areopagite in his home. St. Dionysius testifies that Carpus was a man with an exceptionally pure mind, meekness and innocence; that the Lord Jesus, with His angels, appeared to him in a vision; and that he never began the Divine Liturgy without first receiving a heavenly vision.

Enduring many assaults for the name of Christ, he finally suffered at the hands of the unbelieving Jews and was slain. His soul took up habitation in the Kingdom of God, there to delight eternally, gazing upon the Lord in glory.

This holy Apostle was numbered with the Seventy, and ministered unto the holy Apostle Paul, journeying with him and conveying his epistles unto those to whom they were written. He became Bishop of Beroea in Thrace, where he endured great tribulations while bringing many of the heathen to holy Baptism, and also suffered martyrdom there. Saint Paul mentions him in II Timothy 4:13.

Apolytikion of Carpos and Alphaeus of the 70

Third Tone

O Holy Apostle Carpos, intercede to our merciful God, that He may grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

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