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Bishop of Hajnówka: The Cross will be our guide to the Kingdom of God

On Sunday, 31 March 2024, His Grace Bishop Paweł of Hajnówka (Church of Poland) presided over the Divine Liturgy of the Second Sunday of Lent at the Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene in Warsaw.

In his homily, Bishop Paweł noted, “The death of Christ on the cross reconciled creation with the Creator, because He offered Himself as a sacrifice for humanity, for all generations living both before and after Christ.

The cross, hitherto the instrument of dreadful punishment, has become a symbol of divine love, a perfect offering for the world’s life. This sacrifice requires from every believer a response, self-work, and imitation of the Saviour”.

Bishop Paweł encouraged “learning the love flowing from the cross of Christ, which should characterise everyone who wants to call themselves His disciple. The cross, and then the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, teach hope for the resurrection and eternal life of each of us”.

In conclusion, the hierarch encouraged perseverance in carrying one’s cross, regardless of difficulties and adversities. “By carrying the cross, that is, struggling every day with oneself, we spiritually unite with Christ.

By imitating the patience and love of Christ, the cross will become our strength and glory, and above all, a guide to the Kingdom of God”.

Source: Church of Poland