Archim. Dimitrios Ploumis was elected as new Metropolitan of France

Archimandrite Dimitrios Ploumis was elected as the new Metropolitan of France by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
In particular, on the first day of the meeting chaired by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the members of the Holy Synod elected the new Metropolitan.
Archimandrite Dimitrios Ploumis, who is now the new Metropolitan of France, previously held the position of head of the Church of the Annunciation in Marseille.
Archimandrites Meliton Bellos and Nektarios Pokkias were also candidates for the position of head of the Metropolis.
In addition, it was announced that the ordination of the newly-elected Metropolitan would be held in the Patriarchal Church next Sunday, the 25th of July 2021.
Read the full announcement of the Ecumenical Patriarchate:
“The Holy and Sacred Synod convened today, July 20, 2021, and was chaired by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, at whose suggestion the vacant Holy Metropolis of France was filled following the unanimous election of Archimandrite Dimitrios Ploumis, Hierarchical Head of the historic Greek Orthodox Community of the Dormition of the Theotokos of Marseilles and Head of the Hierarchical Region of Southern France.
The newly-elected metropolitan read the Announcement of his election (Mikro Minima) and the Formal Election Announcement (Mega Minima) on the same day and the Ecumenical Patriarch, the high priests and the Patriarchal Court congratulated him.
The ordination of the newly-elected Metropolitan of France will take place in the Patriarchal Church next Sunday, the 25th of July.”
Source: orthodoxtimes