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Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain condemns unauthorised musical event at Holy Trinity Church in Brighton

The Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain expressed its profound sorrow and deep abhorrence in an official statement regarding a musical event that took place at the Holy Trinity Church in Brighton, southern England.

The statement emphasised that neither the Archdiocese, nor His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain, nor any of the Bishops were aware of the incident. The Archdiocese has taken appropriate measures in response to this act of disobedience and desecration of holy sites, and hopes that the Lord will protect the Church from similar unfortunate events in the future.

The concert, performed by a group of Greek musicians at the Greek Orthodox Church in Brighton, has caused significant uproar and strong reactions. His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain clarified that he had no prior information about the event. He mentioned that a letter had already been sent to the relevant Ecclesiastical Committee. He further explained that he became aware of the incident when he received the event poster from an acquaintance. “I had no knowledge, no information, and no one asked for permission or blessing. I do not bless such events and I do not grant permission,” he stated.

The full announcement from the Archdiocese (translated from Greek) reads as follows:

The Holy Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain expresses its profound sorrow and strong abhorrence regarding the regrettable musical event that took place at the venerable Church of the Holy Trinity in Brighton, southern England, under the leadership of Archimandrite Germanos Kourkounis.

Neither the Holy Archdiocese, His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas, nor the Bishops had any prior knowledge of this event. The Holy Archdiocese has implemented the appropriate measures prescribed for such instances of disobedience to Ecclesiastical Authority, as well as for acts of disrespect and desecration of holy sites. We fervently hope that the Lord will protect the Church from similar unfortunate incidents in the future.

Source: Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain.