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Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain attended historic dinner at Mansion House

His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain had the great honour to be invited to the Archbishops and Bishops Dinner on Thursday, 22nd February 2024, at the Mansion House hosted by the Rt Honourable Lord Mayor and The Lady Mayoress, Alderman Professor Michael, and Mrs. Elisabeth Mainelli. He was welcomed by Alderwoman Martha Grekos, a valued member of the Archdiocese. Archbishop Nikitas was accompanied by the Revd Archdeacon Dr. George Tsourous.

The Archbishops and Bishops Dinner traces its origins to the early eighteenth century, celebrating the longstanding relationship between the Church and the City of London. This biennial event, traditionally held at the conclusion of the General Synod, now welcomes clergy from various Christian denominations as well as faith leaders, maintaining its historical significance while cultivating a broader ecumenical and interfaith dialogue.

The Mansion House, the official residence of the Lord Mayor, has been at the heart of the City’s ceremonial life since its completion in 1758 by George Dance the Elder. This beautiful building, known for its Italianate design and the grandeur of its Palladian style, hosts significant events like the Archbishops and Bishops Dinner. Its Egyptian Hall and the Salon, significant for their historical and architectural interest, serve as a magnificent backdrop for gatherings that foster civic and religious engagement.

Archbishop Nikitas’ presence at this venerable event highlights the Archdiocese’s ongoing commitment to community and interfaith engagement.

Source: Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain