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Archbishop Makarios of Australia: “We owe an eternal debt to the Heroes of 1821”

With feelings of emotion and pride, the Greeks of Melbourne celebrated the 201st Anniversary of the Greek Revolution of 1821.

The official celebration of the Anniversary of the Greek Revelution of 1821 took place on Sunday, March 20, and included the Doxology service at the Church of Saint Efstathios, Vic, followed by a memorial service and the laying of wreaths at the monument to the Unknown Soldier, at the Shrine of Remembrance.

The Doxology was presided over by His Eminence  Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who earlier presided at the Divine Liturgy, accompanied by their Graces, Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta, along with the Protosyggellos of the Holy Archdiocese, Very Rev. Fr Christophoros Krikelis, and other priests from the city of Melbourne.

At the monument of the Unknown Soldier, His Eminence offered a memorial service for the rest of the souls of the fighters and heroes of the Greek Revolution and, In front of a crowd of expatriates, representatives of expatriate organisations and representatives of the Australian political authorities, he spoke briefly about the historical events that marked the beginning of the Greek National Revolution of 1821, emphasising the courage and bravery shown by the fighters and their ideal of Freedom.

“Against all odds, but with a courageous heart and a unrelenting spirit, and with a firm confidence in the providence of God and in the protection of the Holy Theotokos, they fought valiantly in battle, giving future generations the opportunity to live in freedom and without oppression.” His Eminence Archbishop Makarios mentioned amongst many other important points.

His Eminence went on to emphasise the pride of the Greeks of Australia for their Greek descent, noting that as part of a multicultural nation they continue to share a common vision for justice and freedom.

“These principles are as relevant today as they were two centuries ago,” he said, adding that honoring our ancestors, “we learn from their example that continues to inspire and motivate us in our daily lives.”

His Eminence concluded his speech, emphasizsng the eternal debt we owe to our heroic ancestors and the respect for the legacy they left us, exclaiming: “Long live Greece! May they rest in peace! ”

It is noted that the ceremony was attended by His Eminence  Metropolitan Ezekiel of Dervis, the High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus in Australia, Mrs Martha Mavrommati, the Deputy Consul General of Greece in Melbourne, Mrs Georgia Botsiou, who represented the Consul General of Greece in Melbourne, Mr Emmanuel Kakavelakis.

On behalf of the Australian political leadership, present for this special commemoration were  the Premier of Victoria, Mr. Daniel Andrews, the Leader of the Opposition of Victoria, Mr. Matthew Guy, the Federal Minister of Financial Services and Digital Economy, Ms. Jane Hume, as a representative of the  Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. Scott Morrison.

Also in attendance was the Deputy Leader of the  Federal Opposition, Mr. Richard Marles, as a representative of the Leader of the Labor Party, Mr. Anthony Albanese, and expatriate federal and state deputies.

Representatives of the Australian Security Forces, representatives of expatriate organisations, as well as students from Greek Orthodox Day Schools in Melbourne were also present.

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