Archbishop Makarios of Australia: “The Holy Spirit called all into unity”

The Great and Holy Feast of Pentecost was celebrated with brightness in the capital of Tasmania, Hobart, at the Church of Saint George the Great Martyr.
The festal Services of Matins, The Divine Liturgy and the Vespers of the Holy Spirit (Kneeling Vespers) were officiated by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, accompanied by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis and His Grace Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis.
It is noted that the Archbishop is paying an official pastoral visit to Tasmania this week, in order to meet with many State Authorities and Members of Parliament, as well as the Orthodox Faith of Tasmania.
At the end of the Holy Services of Pentecost Sunday, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia analysed the message of Pentecost and stressed that this feast of the Church is a call for unity and love for all.
“In unity all are called,” he reminded characteristically, noting that the Holy Spirit descended on the Disciples when they were united and gathered together “in one place”, “and with one mind”.
In this ecclesiastical context, His Eminence prayed for the congregation to have unity and love, because “without unity we serve the devil, while with love and unity we serve the Holy Spirit”, as he characteristically pointed out.
A reception followed in the hall of the Greek Community, during which the President Mr. Nicholas Theodoropoulos welcomed His Eminence Archbishop Makarios and his entourage, while he did not fail to underline his contribution to Australia during the three years of his ministry.
“You have surprised us all and made us proud. We are close to you “, he emphasised characteristically, to be followed by the enthusiasm of those present who shouted ” Axios / He is Worthy “.
The reception concluded with a presentation of traditional Greek dances performed by the youth of Tasmania.