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Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens: “The Archons offer their support to the Ecumenical Patriarchate”

His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece highlighted the truth of the Gospel as a solution to many of the world’s problems during his speech at the 4th International Conference of Archons.

Addressing the Archons, Archbishop Ieronymos acknowledged their significant contributions, stating, “The Archons, distinguished individuals with exceptional organisation in Greece, America, and Canada, who have been highly honored by the Mother Church, generously offer their support—both spiritual and material—to the Ecumenical Throne.”

He emphasised that “cultivating a conscience of love and respect for every fellow human being is our response to the often superficial ideal of a tolerant society. While tolerance is undoubtedly positive, it can sometimes be colourless and have limited impact on the human psyche.”

Archbishop Ieronymos expressed his gratitude to the Archons, noting their dedication and the presence of the Hierarchs of the Throne, who, as respected leaders, guide the Archons in their regions. He praised the great mobilisation and support for the First Throne Church, highlighting the importance of their collective and individual actions in sustaining the Ecumenical Throne.

Please, read the full speech below:

I warmly welcome the opening of the 4th International Conference of the Archons of the Ecumenical Throne on the Protection of Religious Freedom, Democracy, and Human Rights. Yesterday’s Divine Liturgy laid a strong spiritual foundation for this Conference, which promises to be both fruitful and enriching, inspired by the ecclesiastical life.

The Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, distinguished individuals with exceptional organisation in Greece, America, and Canada, who have been highly honoured by the Mother Church, generously offer their support—both spiritual and material—to the Ecumenical Patriarchate. I must particularly acknowledge the Order of the Archons of Saint Andrew in the USA for their meticulous efforts in convening this Conference. We are profoundly grateful to these Archons.

The presence of the Hierarchs of the Throne, who as respected leaders guide the Archons in their regions, highlights the significant mobilisation and dedication towards multifaceted support of the First Throne Church. Your collective and individual interest in the mission of the Ecumenical Throne is deeply appreciated. Rest assured, you have our prayers.

In this era of rapid secularisation and widespread alienation, international support from the faithful—an effort that resonates deeply within your hearts—should be a shared concern. In times where many distort common human values and arbitrarily devalue others, the promotion of religious freedom, democracy, and human rights, framed within our spiritual Tradition, holds exceptional significance.

Cultivating a conscience of love and respect for every fellow human being is our response to the often superficial ideal of a tolerant society. While tolerance is undoubtedly positive, it can sometimes be colourless and have limited impact on the human psyche. The truth of the Gospel remains the only true answer to the multitude of the world’s problems, and it is encouraging to see so many dedicated to this cause.

This Conference will undoubtedly provide ample food for thought, valuable information, prompts for healthy self-reflection, and spiritual upliftment. We commend the organisers for their diligent work and commitment.

From the depths of my heart, I wish that our Lord Jesus Christ will richly bless the endeavours of this Conference.

Best wishes,

The Archbishop of Athens and All Greece
