Anniversary of the Historical Battle of Crete commemorated in Canberra, ACT

With the Blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, the Archiepiscopal Vicar of Canberra His Grace Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis attended the Australian Hellenic Memorial in Canberra for a memorial service and wreath laying for those who fell in the Battle of Crete.
Assisting His Grace was Very Reverend Petros Kipouros, Parish Priest of the church of St Nicholas in Canberra.
At the end of the service, His Grace laid a wreath on behalf of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia.
In attendance was the Greek Ambassador of Greece in Australia His Excellency Georgios Papacostas, the High Commissioner of New Zealand Her Excellency Annette King, Mrs Georgia Alexandrou, representing the High Commissioner of Cyprus Her Excellency Martha Mavrommatis, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the National Defence Force of Greece, Admiral Mr. Ioannis Drymousis as well as members of the Australian Army, Navy and Airforce, members of the RSL.
It is also worth noting that the memorial service was attended by an Australian veteran of the Battle of Crete, who had fought to defend the island as a member of the ANZAC corps – 102 years old today – Mr. Les Cook of the 6th Division.
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