Aetolian College, East Burwood, holds Christmas celebration

An impressive Christmas celebration was organised by the staff and students of the Greek College of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia “Aetolian College” and its School Group from East Burwood, Melbourne.
On Friday, 2 December 2022, the students of the School Group of “Aetolian College” in the suburb of East Burwood, of the Parish of Saint Andrew the Apostle, presented their festive Christmas pageant for the end of this year. The school Hall where the event took place was filled with over 250 people, who had come to support and applaud their children and grandchildren. It should be noted that this particular group is the largest of the Greek College “Aetolian College”, with over 150 students studying every Friday.
The Christmas celebration began with a prayer lead by the Proistamenos of the Parish of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Fr. Kyprianos Neroupos, together with Fr. Stavros Kakavas. Masters of ceremonies of the celebration were the students of the Third Lyceum (Year 12), Maria Athanasopoulos and Yiannis Papadopoulos.
The students, under the guidance of their teachers, had prepared a special and rich program, impressing all the guests. In the first part of the celebration, students from the Primary and Middle School classes presented skits, poems and various songs learned during this school year. They also showed their dancing skills by dancing traditional Greek dances from all over Greece.
A great movement in emotion was caused by the students of the Third Lyceum (Year 12) who delivered a short speech and said goodbye to their Greek school after twelve years of study.
The second part of the celebration, which was dedicated to Christmas, began with Traditional Carols from Epirus sung by students Christina and Eleni Pouris. This was followed by various Christmas carols sung by students and teachers, with the hall overflowing with the festive spirit of the days. The celebration ended with the arrival of Agios Vasilis who distributed lollies to all the children, while Father Kyprianos and Father Stavros offered their wishes, but also the message, to teachers, parents and children, to continue to preserve Orthodoxy, the Greek language and Greek culture in distant Australia.
The celebration was graced by the presence of the President of the Inter-communities Council of Victoria, Mr. Antonios Tsourdalakis, who congratulated the teaching staff for the perfect organisation, as well as the young and older students for their beautiful presentations.
The Governing Committee of the Greek College of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia “Aetolian College” was represented by Ms. Natasa Spanou, who thanked the families of the students who trusted “Aetolian College” and chose them for learning the Greek language. She also thanked Ms. Helen Lambris, who professionally coordinates the East Burwood School, as well as all the teaching staff who offer such a worthwhile project.
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