A Day of Fellowship at the Archdiocesan District of Perth Offices

On Monday the 19th of July, His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyanea warmly welcomed Father Abram Abdelmalek, from the Coptic Orthodox Church, at the Archdiocesan District of Perth offices.
Fr Abram, who was born in Egypt and migrated to Sydney in 1993, engaged in a two hour fruitful conversation with His Grace Bishop Elpidios while enjoying each other’s company over Greek coffee.
His Grace presented Fr Abram with a book “Lord and Master of my Life” by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia. In return, Fr Abram gifted His Grace an icon of Christ that will be housed in the Archdiocese Exhibition area at the entrance of the offices on Level One. A tour of the entire Archdiocese building then followed as this was Fr Abram’s first official visit to the Archdiocese offices in Perth.
In the evening of the same day, His Grace invited all the WA clergy and their presvyteras to the Archdiocesan District of Perth offices for Pizza. The Abbot of the Holy Monastery of St John, Fr Prodromos, was also present.
Everyone enjoyed the common meal and coming together in Christian fellowship and emphasised the importance of repeating similar gatherings in the future.