Bishop Bartholomew of Brisbane visits the Parish-Community of the Dormition of Our Lady in Innisfail

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, His Grace Bishop Bartholomew of Brisbane visited the regional town of Innisfail in Far Northern Queensland accompanied by Father Dimitri Tsakas, Parish Priest of the Church of Saint George in Brisbane and the Head Chanter of Saint George, Brisbane, Mr. Vasilios Michales.
His Grace officiated at the Matins Service and celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the historic church of the Dormition of Our Lady in Innisfail.
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy a procession was conducted with the holy icon of the Dormition of the Theotokos.
His Grace thanked the beautiful people of Innisfail for their love and respect they have shown towards him and more importantly thanked them for their efforts in all that they do to uphold our Orthodox faith, our customs and our traditions in the regional area of Innisfail and its surrounding regions.

The Bishop then emphasised the importance of remaining close to our faith stating that when we remain close to Christ through the Church, God will continue to bless us in abundance.
In addition His Grace thanked Father Dimitri Taskas for decades of service offering spiritual and pastoral assistance to the community of Innisfail.
A luncheon in honour of His Grace was held afterwards in the adjacent hall where Father Dimitri Tsakas introduced His Grace Bishop Bartholomew of Brisbane to the congregation.
Furthermore the President of the Parish and Community Mr. John Kotzas as well as the President of the Ladies Philoptochos Mrs. Maria Lemonis both welcomed His Grace and thanked him for his presence.
In conclusion, Bishop Bartholomew conveyed the love and blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia and stated that His Eminence is very much looking forward to attending next year, the 90 Year celebrations since the establishment of the Parish and Community.