The Feast Day of Saint Neilos the Myrrh-flowing in his birthplace

On Sunday, 7 May 2023, the memory of the great ascetic of our Church, Saint Neilos the myrrh-flowing, was celebrated with splendour in his birthplace, Agios Petros, Kynouria.
His Grace Bishop Theocletus of Tegea presided over the Matins and the Divine Liturgy of the Feast Day, and was joined by His Eminence Metropolian Alexandros of Mantineia and Kynouria.
During the Dismissal, His Eminence Metropolitan Alexandros elevated the Parish Priest Fr. Petros Dikaios to Protopresbyter and the Protopresbyter Fr. Panagiotis Askounis to Spiritual Confessor.
Referring to the two priests, he urged them for the honour given to them by the Church, to be a ministry to the flock and to remain pure vessels of the Holy Spirit. He wished the present leaders and the pious people the blessing of their compatriot, Saint Neilos, but also his strong faith and struggles.
This was followed by a Litany of the Holy Icon and the holy Relic of Saint Neilos around the village. During the procession, Clergy and People witnessed for one more year the miracle of the flow of holy myrrh from the icon of the Saint, an event that happens most of the time during the Litany of his memory and honour.
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