Archbishop Makarios of Australia on the fire at the Greek Hospital in Valoukli
With feelings of pain caused by the images of the fire in the building complex of the nursing home and hospital of Valouklis, but the news of his timely evacuation also brought relief, comments His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, in his statement about this shocking event of August 4.
“And then, came as balsm, the consoling and redemptive assurance of our Ecumenical Patriarch that “we will overcome this test too””, points out by the Archbishop of Australia, expressing his certainty that His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew “will struggle once more with self-sacrifice, until he succeeds in healing the wounds opened by the fire in the body of this historic and noble foundation of our Ecumenical Patriarchate”.
“In this blessed struggle of our loving Patriarch, our Holy Archdiocese must be present and actively participating; and it will be with all its available forces”, declares His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, while making special mention of the exemplary solidarity shown by the workers, local citizens and local authorities, who rushed to help and literally save the nursing home’s residents.
Attached is the full statement of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia:
Feelings of pain of soul and heartache were that which overwhelmed all of us, even here in the fifth continent, as we watched the first images of the devastating fire that occurred in the building complex of the Valouklis nursing home and hospital in Constantinople.
Our anxiety over the fate of the elderly, the sick and the charity’s staff was quickly followed by relief at the news of their timely removal. And then, coming like a balsm, the consoling and redemptive assurance of our Ecumenical Patriarch that “we will overcome this trial too”.
Knowing very well the personality of leadership indicative of our Patriarch, who with determination and with a sense of paternal responsibility steers the ship of the Orthodox Church for more than three decades, I am sure that His Holiness will struggle once more with self-sacrifice, until he succeeds in healing the wounds opened by the fire in the body of this historic and noble institution of our Ecumenical Patriarchate. In this blessed struggle of our loving Patriarch, our Holy Archdiocese must be present and actively participating; and it will be with all its available powers.
I contacted the Archon of The Great Church of Christ Mr. Lakis Vigas, who informed me about the situation and expressed his admiration for the exemplary solidarity that existed between the workers, the local citizens and the authorities, who rushed to help and literally save the nursing home residents. I pray that God will give hope and strength to our brothers and sisters who are being tested in these critical hours because of the destruction suffered to the protective and welcoming shelter where they had found care and care. May God also bless the workers, government officials and all those who assisted in the timely evacuation of the burning building and in preserving the physical integrity and life of all those inside.