Perth: Tears of Joy as Archbishop Makarios Visits Sts Constantine and Helene Church

On Saturday the 28th of May, in an atmosphere of great Paschal joy, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia Presided over the Vespers Service at the Church of Sts Constantine and Helene in Perth WA. Present at the service were Their Graces Bishops Emilianos of Meloa and Elpidios of Kyanea.
Also in attendance at the service was the Very Rev. Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne, Fr. Ieronymos, current Abbott of the Monastery of St George Yellow Rock in Sydney, the Consul of Greece in Perth Mrs Georgia Karasiotou, President of the Inter-Communities Council of Victoria Mr Tony Tsourdalakis and the President of the Hellenic Community of WA Mr Paul Afkos.
His Eminence was greeted at the entrance to the church by various children from the Parish and students from St Andrew’s Grammar whom He warmly embraced.
During the service, His Eminence conferred upon Zacchaeus Gerovasilis the title of Reader (Χειροθεσία Αναγνώστου). In His address to the new reader, His Eminence reminded him of the important double role of the reader, which is described in the prayer read by the hierarch over the new reader. Firstly, the reader is responsible for preparing the readings that are recited during the divine services of the Church. Secondly, the reader must live an exemplary life that leads others to Jesus Christ.
Following this, His Eminence awarded the Medal of the “Order of the Christ-loving” to Dimitrios and Marina Gougoulis who have served the Church of Sts Constantine and Helene for approximately 30 years. His Eminence commended the couple and thanked them for their service, adding that all their work for the Church had been selfless work from their heart.
At the conclusion of the service, refreshments were served at the community hall next door to the church where the faithful had the opportunity to greet and receive the blessing of the Archbishop.
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