Sunday of Thomas in Kyiv, Ukraine

Metropolitan of Kyiv and all Ukraine Epiphaniy, performed the Divine Liturgy for Sunday of Thomas, at the Cathedral of St. Michael in Kyiv.
Metropolitan Kliment of Simferopol and Crimea, Archbishop Cherniyiv and Nizin Efstratiy, Archbishop of Vyshorod Agapit, Bishop of Lugansk and Starobilsk Lavrentiy co-celebrated with him.
After reading the Gospel, the Primate of the Church of Ukraine delivered the sermon.
During the service, prayers were heard for the soldiers defending Ukraine, for the government and the people, and for the rest of the souls of all the fallen defenders of the Homeland.
Metropolitan Epiphaniy also prayed for the liberation of Ukraine from foreign invasion, and ordained Roman Danchevsky a deacon.
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