‘Themes in Contemporary Theology’ Lecture by Prof. Philip Mamalakis
On 29 October, faculty and students of St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College, welcomed via zoom Prof. Philip Mamalakis(A/Prof. of Pastoral Care, Holy Cross, Greek Orthodox School of Theology), for the College’s ongoing series ‘Themes in Contemporary Theology’ held with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia.
After thanking His Eminence, Prof. Mamalakis addressed the fascinating topic: ‘Pastoral Care, Marriage and Parenting.’ Prof Mamalakis’ well know book, Parenting Toward the Kingdom: Orthodox Christian Principles of Child-Rearing (Ancient Faith Publishing, 2016), is a world-renown text on this subject.
A robust and emotional Q&A followed.
Source: sagotc.edu.au