Prayers for the health of Archbishop Anastasios of Albania by Metropolitan Theodoritos of Laodicea

The Director of the representative office of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Athens, His Eminence Metropolitan Theodoritos of Laodicea, visited the “Evangelismos” Hospital yesterday, where Archbishop Anastasios of Albania is currently hospitalised in the Intensive Care Unit following surgery.
During his visit, Metropolitan Theodoritos met with Bishop Anastasios of Kruja and the accompanying clergy at the Church of the Annunciation within the hospital premises. Together, they offered a joint prayer for the swift recovery and continued health of Archbishop Anastasios.
Following the prayer, Metropolitan Theodoritos conveyed the heartfelt wishes of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, along with his own personal best wishes, to Bishop Anastasios of Kruja.
Bishop Anastasios provided an update on the Archbishop’s condition, stating that his health remains stable with signs of slight improvement. He also expressed deep gratitude for the support, prayers, and well-wishes conveyed by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Furthermore, he requested that his own warm regards and profound respect be communicated to the Ecumenical Patriarch in acknowledgment of his concern and care.