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25th March Celebrations at St John’s College, Preston, Melbourne

A moving and beautiful celebration for the day of the Annunciation of the Theotokos and the anniversary of March 25, 1821, was organised by the teachers and students of the Greek Orthodox College of St. John, in Preston, Melbourne.

Through the chronicle of the Greek Revolution, the narratives, the songs and the dances, the students mentally transported the attendees to the era of the National Uprising and honored the fighters and heroes of 1821.

The event was attended, among others, by His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta, the chairman of the Inter-Community Council of Victoria and Chairman of the National Anniversary Committee Mr Antonis Tsourdalakis, the Chairman of the Board of the College, Father John Frangos, and members of the Board, as well as the Director of the College, Mrs Anna Urban.

In his commemorative greeting, His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta first conveyed the prayers, blessings and paternal love of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia.

His Grace then spoke about the role of the Virgin Mary in our Church, while focusing on the fact that at the time of the Annunciation she was at a young age and was called upon to make a difficult decision, for a change in her life beyond human limits. However, her great and true faith strengthened her and made her life even better, Bishop Evmenios explained.

In closing, he wished the staff of the school, the students and their relatives to have love, joy and happiness in their lives, as well as the messages of the double celebration of Hellenism to remain engraved deep in the souls of all.

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