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Victoria: The Feast of the Synaxis of the Theotokos at the Church of Our Lady The Merciful in Bacchus Marsh

With ecclesiastical splendour and compuction, the feast of the Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos, on the second day of Christmas, was celebrated as every year at the Holy Chapel of Our Lady The Merciful in the town of Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, located approximately 55 kilometers from Melbourne.

The Divine Liturgy was presided over by the Archiepiscopal Vicar of Northcote, His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasunta, who represented His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia and conveyed his festive wishes and prayers to the faithful who came to celebrate the feast day of the Theotokos.

During his sermon, His Grace Bishop Evmenios referred, among other things, to the star of Bethlehem that guided the Magi to the manger and to the Divine Infant. As His Grace pointed out, there are many interpretations regarding this star, but he explained that it was the Holy Spirit, which guides and enlightens every person, to find the truth, Christ.

“Therefore, this is why”, he urged, “when we experience sorrows, when we are in darkness, when we feel confused and that we have lost our way, let us pray and invoke the Holy Spirit and this will help us find our destination immediately”. “Not to search above, for our star, but next to us, close to us. It is there to enlighten our minds”, His Grace added in closing.

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