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Victoria records 12 local coronavirus cases as the state again braces for lockdown

Victoria has recorded 12 locally-acquired coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, as the state braces itself for a new lockdown aimed at curbing the growing outbreak.

One of the 12 cases was included in Wednesday’s figures, taking the total number of active cases in the state to 34.

More than 40,000 COVID tests were undertaken in the last 24 hours.

There are now 79 exposure sites listed on the Victorian Health Department’s website, including the MCG and Marvel Stadium. Three inner-suburban nightclubs remain a “concern”.

The exposure sites are spread across more than 30 Melbourne suburbs and regional Bendigo, Cohuna and Red Hill.

State cabinet ministers met on Wednesday night to consider whether to impose a lockdown.

The ABC is reporting the lockdown could last for up to a week, and will be closer to a stage 4 level lockdown.
