Tribute to the EOKA heroes of 1955-1959, in Sunshine, Melbourne

On the 5th Sunday of Lent, at the Holy Church of the Apostle Andrew, in the Sunshine suburb of Melbourne, an honourable memorial event took place for the heroes of EOKA, on the occasion of the Anniversary of April 1, 1955, which marks the beginning of the liberation struggle in Cyprus.
The anniversary events were presided over by His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasointa, Archdiocesan Vicar of Northcote, representing His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia.
His Grace Bishop Evmenios, after the end of the Divine Liturgy, performed a Doxology on the occasion of the Cypriot National Anniversary and then at the monument to the fallen which is located in the forecourt of the Holy Church, performed a Memorial Service for the fighters and fallen during the liberation struggle. This was followed by the laying of wreaths in honour of the heroes.
Present at the anniversary events were the High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus in Australia, Mr. Antonios Sammoutis, the Consul General of Greece in Melbourne, Mr. Emmanuel Kakavelakis, presidents and representatives of Greek and Cypriot associations and organisations, as well as students representing St John’s College, Preston.
His Grace Bishop Evmenios conveyed to all those present, the prayers and blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, while he also thanked the organisers of the anniversary events.
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