Three Day Celebration for the Feast Day of Sts Constantine and Helene in Perth

In a spirit of great festal joy, a three-day feast commemorating the Equal-to-the-Apostles Sts Constantine and Helene was celebrated in Perth, Western Australia.
The celebrations took place at the Church of Sts Constantine and Helene and which began with the Hierarchical Vespers Service on Thursday the 20th of May, Presided over by His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyaneon and continued with the Matins and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy Officiated by His Grace on Friday morning of the feast day, 21st of May.
His Grace conveyed to the faithful the blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia. Furthermore, in his sermon, His Grace mentioned the great works of St Constantine which included the granting of freedom and privileges to the Christians in the Roman Empire, the returning of all Christian churches and property, the allowing of the Church to celebrate freely the Divine Liturgy, the convening of the First Ecumenical Council with the purpose of safe guarding the unity of the church, the funding for the construction of many new Christian churches and the establishment of Constantinople as the centre of Christianity. His Grace in particular discussed the important role of the Holy Cross and recounted the manner in which the Holy Cross was discovered by Saint Helene and the story of Saint Constantine seeing the vision of the Holy Cross in the sky before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. For this reason, His Grace explained how the saints are always depicted in icons standing on either side of the Holy Cross and which reminds us about the central role of the cross in bringing joy and salvation into the world.
The festal celebrations continued on Sunday the 23rd of May with the Matins and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy again Officiated by His Grace. The service concluded with a procession of the icon of Saints Constantine and Helene and was followed by the feast day lunch of the Parish in the community hall in the presence of His Grace.
The feast day was celebrated in the presence of hundreds of the faithful from around Perth as well as many dignitaries. Present at the services was the Consul for Greece in Perth Mrs Georgia Karasiotou, the President of the Hellenic Community of WA Mr Byron Spartalis, President of the Castellorizian Association of WA Mr Jim Manifis, Trustees of the Hellenic Community of WA, staff and students from St Andrew’s Grammar as well as many other representatives and members of the various local Hellenic organisations.
The faithful of Perth were also blessed to be joined by the Very Reverend Father Nicolaos Bozikis who travelled from Sydney to be present for the feast day celebrations. Fr Nicolaos is the grandfather of the Parish Priest of Sts Constantine and Helene, Fr Terry Gerovasilis. On Tuesday the 18th of May, Fr Nicolaos celebrated the 50th anniversary since his ordination to the priesthood by His Eminence Metropolitan Panteleimon of Vryoula (then titular Bishop of Theoupoleos) at the Church of St Nicholas in Marrickville. His Grace Bishop Elpidios congratulated Fr Nicolaos on his many years of service and for his dedication to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. His Grace presented to Fr Nicolaos a pectoral cross as a gift from the Parish and Community of Sts Constantine and Helene in honour of his anniversary.
The Parish Priest of the Church of Sts Constantine and Helene, Father Terry Gerovasilis, thanked His Grace for Presiding and Officiating the feast day celebrations and asked His Grace to convey to His Eminence the love and support of all the faithful of the Parish.