Thessaloniki: 400 children chanted the Salutations to the Theotokos at the Church of Panagia Acheiropoietos

On Friday, 21 March 2025, the Service of the Third Stanza of the Salutations to the Most Holy Theotokos took place at the Parish Church of Panagia Acheiropoietos (5th century)
The Salutations Service was officiated by His Eminence Metropolitan Filotheos of Thessaloniki, who was joined in prayer by His Eminence Metropolitan Damaskinos of Velestino.
From early on, the Holy Church was flooded with a multitude of faithful believers, who came to pray at the Service, in which about 400 students of all levels of Education chanted the service from the following Schools: 2nd Primary School of Sindos, 20th Primary School of Evosmos, 4th Primary School of Pefki, 51st Primary School of Thessaloniki, 53rd Primary School of Thessaloniki, 54th Primary School of Thessaloniki, 55th Primary School of Thessaloniki, 87th Primary School of Thessaloniki, Primary School of the “Elpida” Schools (Filyro), Ecclesiastical High School and Lyceum of Neapolis, 3rd High School of Oreokastro, 1st High School of Triandria, 7th High School of Thessaloniki, 15th High School of Thessaloniki, 2nd secondary general education unit of Mikra (Thermi), 1st secondary technical education unit of Neapolis and Music School of Rhodes. Also, from the Music School of Arta, although the students fully implemented the relevant Program and learned the Canon, they ultimately did not manage to make their way to Thessaloniki.
For the first time in the history of the local Church, so many students chanted in a Service. These students participated in the Educational and Cultural Program for Primary and Secondary Education, which was proposed by the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki and was entitled: “The Akathist Hymn – The Kontakion and the Canon.”

The Byzantine choirs of the students of the Military school of Combat Support Officers, which is based in Thessaloniki, also participated in the students’ choirs, as well as the children’s and youth Byzantine choir of the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki “Eirmos”, with the choirmaster, educator and program manager Mr. Spyridon Aspiotis, as the director.
During his sermon, Metropolitan Filotheos developed the theme “The new creation revealed the Creator” and at the same time introduced the participating young male and female chanters to the congregation who also chanted hymns to the Most Holy Theotokos. He particularly thanked all the teachers and parents for their initiative to encourage the students to participate in this specific educational program, as well as the Regional Director of Education of Central Macedonia, Mr. Alexandros Koptsis, and the Commander of the Military school of Combat Support Officers, Brigadier General Mr. Petros Kouridakis.
All the faithful congregation expressed their joy and emotion for this unique prayerful experience.