The spring session of the Holy Synod of the Church of Poland was held

On 18 March 2025, in Warsaw, under the presidency of His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa of Warsaw and All Poland, the spring session of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Poland was held, with the participation of all the Bishops.
The agenda of the Synod covered both external and internal matters.
External Matters
- The Synod reviewed issues raised in letters from the Patriarch of Bulgaria, the Patriarch of Romania, and the Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece.
- Reports from the Theological Dialogue Committee with the Roman Catholic Church, the World Council of Churches, and the Conference of European Churches were approved.
Internal Matters
- A highly significant and exceptional event in the life of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Poland is the canonisation of new saints. The following decision was made:
Of the Holy Synod of Bishops
Of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Poland
On the Canonisation of the Martyrs of Katyn
The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, founded by Him, has suffered and continues to endure persecution throughout its history. However, it is always strengthened by the martyrdom of its faithful disciples. Every drop of martyrdom blood becomes the foundation for new ecclesiastical life.
The Orthodox Church in Poland has experienced these tribulations throughout its history. Therefore, our generation bows before their martyrdom and proclaims them as saints. Many steps have already been taken in this direction throughout history: the martyrs of the Union of Brest, the two World Wars, and the various forced displacements of the faithful of our Church.
Today, as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of our Church’s autocephaly, the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (325 AD), and the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II, and after examining the evidence concerning the lives and deaths of our Brothers and Sisters who were executed in Katyn and other locations of execution and deportation,
The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Poland, in the Name of the Holy Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—declares as saints and includes in the diptychs of the Saints of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church:
- Protopresbyter Fr. Simon Fedorenko
- Protopresbyter Fr. Victor Romanovsky
- Protopresbyter Fr. Vladimir Okhamb
- All clergy and laity, both known and unknown by name, but known to Almighty God.
The canonisation ceremonies for the Martyrs of Katyn will take place on 17 September 2025, and this date will be established as a day of prayerful remembrance.
2. The Synod reviewed the report of the Government Commission and the Polish Ecumenical Council and issued the following statement: “The Holy Synod of Bishops expresses concern over the Ministry of Education’s decision to limit religious education in schools. The Holy Synod reaffirms the position stated by His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa in his letter of 7 October 2024, as well as the stance of the Polish Ecumenical Council and the Roman Catholic Church, which have communicated their concerns to the Polish government. ‘Do not hinder the children from coming to Christ, as has always been the tradition in our Republic.’”
3. Donations totaling 400,000 zlotys were announced for the restoration of infrastructure damaged by floods.
4. The centennial celebrations of the Church’s autocephaly were positively evaluated.
5. New episcopal appointments were approved.
6. A fundraising campaign was planned for the construction of an Orthodox Youth Centre in Białowieża.
7. Locations were designated for the World Orthodox Youth Day celebrations:
- 2026 – Lublin
- 2027 – Białystok
8. Honorary distinctions were awarded to clergy and laity.
9. The Easter Message of the Holy Synod of Bishops was approved.
Source: Church of Poland