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The newly assigned US and Greek Ambassadors in Ankara visited the Ecumenical Patriarchate

The seat of the Ecumenical Patriarchate visited on Saturday, January 29, 2022, the new in their position as Ambassadors of the United States and Greece in Ankara, Jeffry L. Flake and Christodoulos Lazaris.

The ambassador Mr. Flake, accompanied by his wife Cheryl Flake, the US Consul General in the town of Daria Darnell, as well as the Counselors Adam Parker and Kevin Moss, was warmly welcomed by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, with whom they had a lengthy discussion for matters of mutual interest.

The meeting was also attended by Elder Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon and Archbishop of Australia Makarios, and Great Protosyggellos Theodoros and G. Syggellos Iakovos.

Immediately after the meeting, the US Ambassador and his wife visited the Patriarchal Church, where G. Syggellos Iakovos informed them about the history and the sacred relics kept in it.

Shortly afterwards, the new Ambassador of Greece in Ankara, Christodoulos Lazaris, arrived in Phanar, accompanied by his wife Antoinette Lazaris.

The Ambassador, who is well acquainted with the Patriarch for many years, as he had previously served at the Consulate General of Greece in Constantinople, and later at the Embassy of Ankara, was warmly welcomed by His Holiness with whom “they remembered the days of the past”.

After their meeting, the Ambassador of Greece attended a dinner at the Patriarchal Bank, and then, accompanied by Deacon Bosphorios, the Under-secretary of the Holy and Sacred Synod, visited with his wife the Patriarchal Church.

Photos: Nikos Papachristou / Ecumenical Patriarchate

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