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The Ecumenical Patriarch in Cappadocia

The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew paid a visit to Cappadocia, accompanied by Metropolitan Varnavas of Neapolis and Stavroupolis, Danae Vassilaki, Consul of Greece in Constantinople, along with her husband Emmanuel Kostidis, journalist, Archon Panteleimon Vigas and Georgios Papaliaris, President of the Communities of Stavrodromi and Mega Revma of Constantinople, from October 14 to October 16.

Particularly moving was the pilgrimage to the Holy Monastery of Saint Nicholas in Sinassos, at the entrance of which a sign expresses thanks to the Ecumenical Patriarch and the offikialio of the Mother Church, Gregory Hadjieleftheriadis, who contributed financially to the renovation of the Monastery a few years ago.

This pilgrimage recalled in memory of the Patriarch the previous pilgrimages and the Divine Liturgies that were performed by him during the last twenty years and other services in various abandoned Churches in the area, which, unfortunately, were not allowed by the authorities during the last two years.

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