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The Ecumenical Patriarch at the Holy Monastery of Our Lady “Axion Estin” in the Diocese of Chora

On Tuesday 15th October, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, accompanied by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, visited the see of the Holy Diocese of Chora at the Holy Monastery of Our Lady “Axion Estin” in Northcote, Melbourne. Hundreds of faithful, of all ages, rushed to greet him, receive his blessing, and express their filial love and respect.

The festive reception of the Ecumenical Patriarch was led by His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Chora, while a heartfelt welcome was extended by the presiding priest, Father Philip Papagiannopoulos. Father Philip focused on the fact that the Mother Church, under the leadership of His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew, has turned its attention with great zeal and much care towards the youth. “Our hearts rejoice,” he emphasised, “as we see more and more young people responding to your call, actively participating in the life of the Church, and seeking ways to advance its mission.” Referring specifically to the journey of Orthodoxy in Australia, he expressed his joy that the local Church “has truly opened its doors to all of Australian society” and pointed out that His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, “with your blessing, has worked tirelessly to bring the youth closer to the Church. His efforts have already borne significant fruit, as young people from different backgrounds are integrating and becoming active members of our Church.”

In response, the Ecumenical Patriarch, after thanking Father Philip and offering blessings to His Grace Bishop Evmenios, addressed the large gathering of faithful with words of spiritual edification and then warmly welcomed the Catholicos Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East His Holiness Mar Awa, who is also making a pastoral visit to Australia. In his brief address, he emphasised that two key priorities for the Ecumenical Patriarchate are the protection of the environment and the promotion of inter-Christian and interreligious dialogue. “We are convinced in the Phanar, and certainly in all the provinces of the Ecumenical Throne,” he noted, “that we live in the 21st century, and we must have dialogue, openness, broad horizons, and goodwill towards all our fellow human beings, especially our brothers from other Christian denominations, who, at some historical moment, were cut off from the body of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. But this, of course, does not mean that we must remain forever separated and fight one another.”

Present during the visit of the Ecumenical Patriarch to the Holy Monastery of Panagia “Axion Estin” were the members of his honourable entourage, namely: Their Eminences, Metropolitan Kyrillos of Imvros and Tenedos, and Metropolitan Filotheos of Thessaloniki, The Very Reverends, Grand Protosyncellus Archimandrite Gregory, and Grand Ecclesiarch Archimandrite Aetios, Director of the Personal Patriarchal Office, the Reverend Patriarchal Deacon Evlogios, Codifier of the Holy and Sacred Synod, the Righteous Nun Iakovi, Abbess of the Holy Monastery of St John the Baptist in Akritochori, the Honourable Archon Didaskalos of the Nation Mr Konstantinos Delikostantis, Director of the First Patriarchal Office, and the Honourable Archon Didaskalos of the Church Mr Theodoros Yiangou, Professor of the Theological School at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Honourable Mr Nicholas-George Papachristou, Director of the Patriarchal Press and Communication Office, and Mr Themistocles Karanikolas, from the Patriarchal staff as well as Their Eminences, Metropolitan Ezekiel of Dervis and Metropolitan Seraphim of Sevasteia, the Venerable God-loving Bishops of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia, the Greek Ambassador to Australia, Mr Stavros Venizelos, the High Commissioner of Cyprus, Mr Antonis Sammoutis, the Consuls General of Greece in Melbourne, Mr Emmanuel Kakavelakis and in Adelaide, Ms Alexandra Theodoropoulos, the Federal MP Ms Maria Vamvakinou, Archons of the Great Church of Christ, and the parents of Archbishop Makarios of Australia, Emmanuel and Fotini Griniezakis.