The commemorative events for the anniversary of the Battle of Crete in Melbourne

Melbourne, as every year, and also this year, actively participated in the anniversary events of the 82nd Anniversary of the Battle of Crete organised under the auspices of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand. The Cretan diaspora, together with the entire Greek community of Melbourne, paid tribute to the Greeks, the Australian and New Zealand soldiers, but also to the civilian population of the island who stood up and opposed Nazi fascism.
The anniversary events in Melbourne began on Thursday, May 18, and concluded on Sunday, May 21.
The delegation of the General Staff of the National Defence of Greece arrived in the city of Melbourne on Thursday morning. This year, in the anniversary events, the Chief of Staff of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, Lieutenant General George Kyriakou, the Admiral of the Navy Stylianos Mitsiotis, as well as the Military Attaché of Greece in Canberra, Colonel Ioannis Fasianos, participated from Greece.
The first stop of the official guests from Greece was the Parliament of Victoria. The delegation of the General Staff of the Hellenic National Defence had the opportunity to take a tour of the impressive building of the Parliament, but also to come into contact with the Members of Parliament of Greek origin. Specifically, the meeting was attended by the Minister of Tourism, Sports, Entertainment and the Arts, Mr. Stavros Dimopoulos, the Deputy Minister to the Premier of Victoria, Mr. Nikos Staikos, as well as the Members of Parliament, Mr. Lee Tarlamis and Mr. Katerina Theophanous. Also, the representatives of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff also met with the President of the Parliament, Ms. Maree Edwards. During their visit to Parliament House, they also visited the olive tree along with the honour plaque dedicated to the Australian soldiers who sacrificed their lives in Greece during two World Wars, and have been adorning the garden of the Parliament since 2017.
On Friday morning, the representatives of the General Staff of the National Defense of Greece attended the Memorial Service for the victims of the Pontian Genocide, which was held at the “Axion Esti” Holy Monastery in Northcote. Afterwards, they had an official meeting with Their Graces, Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis and Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta at the offices of the Archdiocesan District of Northcote. Their Graces Bishop Kyriakos and Bishop Evmenios, on behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, warmly welcomed the representatives of the Hellenic Armed Forces and conveyed His Eminence’s wishes for a pleasant stay in Greek-city of Melbourne.
On Friday evening, the officers honoured with their presence the official opening of the exhibition with heirlooms of refugees from Asia Minor. The exhibition is an initiative of the Pedagogical Institute “The Hellenism of Anatolia – from the Aegean to Pontus” and is under the auspices of the Australian Federation of Pontic Associations. Afterwards, in the hall of the Pontiaki Estia, a special presentation was made by the Chief of Staff, Mr. Georgios Kyriakos, about the action of the Greek Armed Forces, and a discussion followed in a very positive atmosphere.
On Saturday, 20 May 2023, the official Memorial Service for the Battle of Crete took place, where His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis officiated, and likewise after this the laying of wreaths at the Shrine of Remembrance. The event was organised by the Coordinating Council of the Battle of Crete and the Rest of Greece and was honoured by the presence of the Greek and Australian Armed Forces.
Speakers at the event were the Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Mr. George Kyriakou, from the Greek Air Force, as well as Captain Ainsley Morthorpe, from the Australian Navy. Greek-Australian Member of Parliament Ms. Katerina Theophanous addressed a greeting on behalf of the Premier of Victoria, Mr. Daniel Andrews. Community Associations, clubs, various Greek organisations, as well as schools, participated in the laying of wreaths, paying tribute to the Australian, New Zealand and Greek soldiers who defied danger and sacrificed themselves for the ideals of freedom and self-respect.
On behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis laid a wreath. The Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. Anthony Albanese, was represented by the Senator of the Federal Government, Ms. Linda White, while the Premier of Victoria, Mr. Daniel Andrews, was represented by the Greek-Australian Member of Parliament, Mrs. Katerina Theophanous. Also, the Minister of Multiculturalism Mr. Colin Brooks was represented by the Member of Parliament Mr. Lee Tarlamis. In addition, present also were the Deputy Consul of Greece in Melbourne, Ms. Georgia Botsiou, the Consul of the United Kingdom in Melbourne, Mr. Stephen Lysaght, as well as representatives from all Australian Armed Forces. It should be noted that due to the unsettled weather, the ceremony was moved to the interior of the Monument.
A ceremony followed at the Australian-Hellenic Memorial where the Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral George Kyriakou, and the Vice Consul of Greece, Ms. Georgia Botsiou, delivered a short message about the day’s celebration.
At noon on Saturday, the board of the Australian Greek Ex-Servicemen’s Association hosted a luncheon for the delegation of the General Staff of the National Defence of Greece.
On the same evening, at the Cretan House, the Cretan Brotherhood of Melbourne and the Pan-Cretan Association of Melbourne, under the auspices of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand, organised a traditional Cretan feast. The President of the Cretan Brotherhood, Mr. Miltos Stamatakis, welcomed the attendees with a warm greeting. His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia was represented by His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta, who read His Eminence’s message for the 82nd Anniversary of the Battle of Crete. The music-theatrical act prepared by the dance groups of the two Cretan associations was impressive, portraying the history of the Battle of Crete in a particularly moving way. This year, the entertainment of the evening was undertaken by the Cretan artists Anastasios Bouchlis, Antonis Kourakis and Anastasios Georgakakis who travelled from Greece to commemorate together with the Omogeneia the Anniversary of the Battle of Crete.
On Sunday, 21 May 2023, the official Memorial Service was held at the Holy Church of Saints Constantine and Helen in the suburb of South Yarra, and officiated by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, who commemorated the souls who were unjustly lost during the Battle of Crete.
On Sunday afternoon, the Pan-Cretan Association of Melbourne and the Cretan Brotherhood of Melbourne, under the auspices of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand and in collaboration with the Coordinating Council of the Memorial of the Battle of Crete and the Rest of Greece, held the customary formal Memorial Meal to honour the remaining Veterans and the families of those lost. The event was graced by the presence of the Deputy Minister to the Premier of Victoria, Mr. Nikos Staikos, who represented the State Premier, Mr. Daniel Andrew, while the State Opposition was represented by the Member of Parliament, Mr. Wayne Farnham.
The presence of Veteran Mr. Charlie Parrott, who participated in the Battle of Crete, was moving. During the event, the representatives of the General Staff of the National Defence of Greece exchanged gifts with the Presidents of the Cretan Associations, while they honoured Veteran Mr. Parrott with a special plaque. Greetings were addressed by Archimandrite Kyrillos Zisis, the President of the Pan-Cretan Association, Ms. Aggie Mihelakis, the Consul General of Greece in Melbourne, Mr. Emmanuel Kakavelakis, the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Mr. George Kyriakou, the President of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand, Mr. Tony Tsourdalakis, and the President of the Coordinating Council of the Battle of Crete and the Rest of Greece, Mrs. Natasa Spanou.
It should be noted that for the first time the representatives of the General Staff of the National Defence of Greece honoured the ceremony held at the Australian-Greek Memorial for the Pontian Genocide with their presence and paid tribute to the deceased victims of this horrible act.
The events for the 82nd Anniversary of the Battle of Crete were successfully completed. After 82 years, Cretans continue to remember those who sacrificed for Crete, but also to honour the Allies, Australians and New Zealanders, who stood by the civilian population and helped them to defend their island. Through the footsteps of their ancestors, the Cretan diaspora passes on to the next generations the message that they must continue to defend the sacred soil of Greece and the right to freedom, preventing in every way any conqueror who claims their place. “It is important to remember that the sacrifices of our ancestors became the starting point for us to live today with dignity, freedom and a constructive future for the generations to come, and for this reason we must follow in their footsteps”, underlines the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand.
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