The Blessing of the Waters in Labasa, Fiji

On Sunday, 14 January 2024, on the Leave-taking of the Feast of Holy Theophany, after the Divine Liturgy celebrated at the Holy Church of Saints Athanasius and Nicholas in Labasa, Fiji, the blessing of the waters and the throwing of the Holy Cross service took place led by Fr. Michael Psaromatis, a guest priest from the Holy Archdiocese of Australia, assisted by the parish priest of the local parish of Labasa, Fr. Alexios Nand. The service was attended and participated in by the newly converted parishioners and catechumens of the remote and isolated Orthodox community of Labasa, Fiji.
A festive picnic followed, where all those present enjoyed the beautiful delicacies prepared by members of the parish. Throughout the day, the adult catechetical classes, led by the priests and Presbytera Stavroula Psaromatis, continued in Labasa.

To conclude the day of festivities, Fr. Michael conveyed the warm wishes, paternal love, and care of His Eminence Metropolitan Myron of New Zealand, for a hopeful, joyful, and creative New Year.