The annual Constantinople Lecture took place in Bayswater, London

On Thursday 23 November 2023 the annual “Constantinople Lecture” of the AECA (Anglican & Eastern Churches Association) took place at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Divine Wisdom in Bayswater, London.
This year’s lecture was delivered by the esteemed theologian and chaplain of King Charles, Dr Canon Jamie Hawkey. The Canon of Westminster spoke on the theme of the King’s recent coronation in terms of both the liturgical influences of the Orthodox Christian tradition (with holy oil consecrated and offered by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem) and the ecumenical significance of Archbishop Nikitas’ active participation in the ceremony, alongside other faith leaders.
Prior to the lecture itself, the chairman of the AECA, Canon William Taylor, offered welcoming remarks, whilst Bishop Christopher Chessun of Southwark congratulated Canon Jamie following his insightful talk. Archimandrite Nephon Tsimalis, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, represented His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas.

The lecture sparked glimmers of hope within the context of Anglican-Orthodox dialogue, placing emphasis on the practical implementation of Christ’s commandments of unity and of ‘diakonia,’ serving and ministering to others in His name.
The lecture and gracious reception hosted by the Cathedral of the Divine Wisdom was truly a joyous occasion for further fellowship amongst members of the AECA and other attendees, in a spirit of Christian solidarity, in prayer for a brighter future of unity, faith, and fraternal love.
Photo credit: Protopresbyter Anastasios Salapatas
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain