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Sydney: The Youth of the Parish of Saint Catherine, Mascot, help the homeless

On Wednesday, 12 June 2024, the Youth Group of the Parish of Saint Catherine in the Sydney suburb of Mascot, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia and under the guidance of the Parish Priest, Father Peter Mavrommatis, participated in supporting the needy and homeless at Martin Place, a central location in the heart of Sydney.

The youth of the Parish collaborated with the charitable foundation “A Touch of Kindness”, which was founded by Mr. Konstantinos Theocharidis, a long-standing parishioner of St. Catherine’s, and provides hot meals and clothes to needy families and individuals, on a weekly basis.

The members of the Youth of St. Catherine’s Parish undertook to prepare packages of personal hygiene items, while they also helped to organise and distribute food to the ever-increasing number of needy and homeless people.

More than 200 people received hot meals, snacks and hot drinks, while clothes, blankets and sleeping bags were also distributed.