Northcote: The Apodosis of the Dormition of the Theotokos in the town of Bendigo
With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, on Tuesday, 23 August, 2022, in the country town of Bendigo in the state of Victoria, which is located around 2 hours from the centre of Melbourne city, the feast of the leave-taking (apodosis) of the Dormition of the Theotokos was celebrated at the local Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos.
The Parishes of the Archdiocesan District of Northcote organised the transportation of faithful by buses to attend this feast day, while the Divine Liturgy was presided over by His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta, accompanied by priest of the Archdiocesan District.
In His homily, His Grace spoke about the joy that the Dormition of the Theotokos brings to all of humanity, bringing to mind certain characteristics, amongst others, that with the transition of the Theotokos to the heavens, humanity gives a gift to the heavens, and heaven also a gift to humanity, as the Virgin Mary becomes a member of the Kingdom of Heaven and Queen and mediator of the world.
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Evmenios thanked all those who had journeyed to the celebrating church from afar, whilst also conveying the love and blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia to all who were present.
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