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Name Day Celebrations for Bishop Silouan of Adelaide

The 24th of September is the feast day of a great contemporary saint, Saint Silouan the Athonite, who fell asleep in the year 1938 and was canonised by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in 1987.

His Grace Bishop Silouan of Adelaide celebrated his patronal feast this year at the Archiepiscopal Church of Saint Sophia (Holy Wisdom of God). It was a historic first, as although the Archdiocesan offices were at Saint Sophia in September last year, His Grace had interstate commitments last year and was not in Adelaide to celebrate.

Matins and Divine Liturgy were celebrated at Saint Sophia, presided over by His Grace and assisted by several clergy of the Diocese of Adelaide. His Grace preached to the dozens of faithful who were present – urging all to follow the way of the Cross, so that by giving ourselves up to death in this life, then we will not die in the life to come. He paid particular tribute and honour to the clergy of the Holy Diocese as the “decoration” of the Church and lauded the faithful as being the inspiration for his ministry and the source of his joy.

The service was followed by a luncheon catered by the wonderful and tireless ladies of the Central Philoptochos.