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Metropolitans of Kilkis, Kampala and Sozousa celebrated Poly-Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

On Sunday, 7 July 2024, a Poly-Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was performed at the Holy Metropolitan Church of Saint Nicholas, within the Holy Metropolis of Kampala, part of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa. The Matins and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy were presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Bartholomew of Poliana and Kilkis, joined by His Eminence Metropolitan Ieronymos of Kampala, His Eminence Metropolitan Innokentios of Sozousa, and the priests of the local Holy Metropolis.

Prior to the Divine Liturgy, Metropolitan Bartholomew unveiled the Gospel translated from Greek to Luganda by Fr. Nicholas Bayego, published by the Holy Metropolis of Kilkis. Father Nicholas completed this translation during his stay in Kilkis, with the assistance of the priests from the Holy Metropolis of Poliana and Kilkis.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, the Metropolitan of Kampala expressed profound gratitude to the Metropolitan of Poliana and Kilkis for the many contributions his Metropolis has made to the Mission. These contributions include the construction of the Church of the Holy Apostles, the drilling of water wells, the foundations of new Holy Churches, scholarships for children’s education, baptisms of young Christians, support for the Church’s soup kitchens, assistance to the two Missionary Priests (Fr. Nicholas Bayego and Fr. Christoforos Mugigo), the donation of computers for the Mission’s High School, and the publication of the Gospel in the local Luganda dialect. He conveyed his joy that the Orthodox Christians of Uganda will now be able to learn the Gospel in their own language.

In his response, Metropolitan Bartholomew assured continued support for the Mission, emphasising the importance of prayer and commitment. He pledged ongoing support for the two Missionary Priests, Fr. Nicholas and Fr. Christoforos, who work tirelessly to sustain their Orthodox ecclesiastical communities both materially and spiritually.