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Melbourne: BBQ Fundraiser at Saint Carethine’s, East Malvern

On Sunday morning, 16 October 2022, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios and under the support of His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, Archiepiscopal Vicar for Melbourne, held a BBQ fundraiser at St Catherine’s parish, East Malvern.

After the Divine Liturgy, hungry parishioners lined up in the Melbourne sunshine to help support the fundraiser and purchase their sausages.

The BBQ raised money for future Go Youth events, including spiritual talks and social events, which aim to bring together Orthodox youth and young people to connect with Christ and one another. Information about ‘Go Youth’ Melbourne events can be found on Facebook and Instagram.

‘Go Youth’ Melbourne would like to thank the parishioners who supported the fundraiser and Limnos Butchers, Oakleigh for donating sausages for the event.

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