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Holy Diocese of Perth: $36,000 raised for Missionary Work in Southern Madagascar

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, the Holy Diocese of Perth was privileged to host a 3-day visit from the renowned missionary Bishop of the Patriarchate of Alexandira, His Grace Bishop Prodromos of Toliara and Southern Madagascar from the 15th to the 17th of March 2025. His Grace arrived in Perth on Saturday and was welcomely welcomed at the airport by His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Perth.  

That evening, His Grace Bishop Prodromos Presided over the Hierarchical Vespers service at the Church of St Nektarios in Dianella, in the presence of His Grace Bishop Elpidios. Following the Vespers service, a fundraising Lenten supper was held in the Archdiocese conference room, sponsored and organised by the Parish of Sts Constantine and Helene.

Following the supper, His Grace Bishop Prodromos presented a profound and impactful video that highlighted the various missionary activities carried out by the Orthodox Church in Southern Madagascar. In attendance for the presentation was the Consul for Greece in Perth, Mrs Eleni Georgopoulou. At the conclusion of the evening’s proceedings, and with sentiments of great emotion and awe, the faithful in attendance donated generously to the incredible missionary work in Southern Madagascar. 

On Sunday morning the 16th of March, the second Sunday of Lent and the Sunday of St Gregory Palamas, His Grace Bishop Prodromos οfficiated the Matins and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy together with His Grace Bishop Elpidios at the Church of Sts Constantine and Helene in Northbridge. In his sermon, Bishop Prodromos reflected of the teachings of St Gregory Palamas on the Jesus prayer, stating “The Jesus Prayer is not just a simple phrase, but a bridge that unites us with God. We can say this prayer throughout our daily activities – at work, on the road, in difficulties – so that we may keep our hearts open to God’s Grace.”

In attendance at the Divine Liturgy was the President of the Hellenic Community of WA, Mr Paul Afkos OAM, as well as students and teachers from St Andrew’s Grammar Greek Orthodox Day School. At the end of the Liturgy, the two bishops exchanged gifts as a gesture highlighting the great love, respect and admiration between the two Hierarchs. His Grace Bishop Elpidios, on behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, officially thanked and welcomed His Grace Bishop Prodromos, expressing his great desire for Bishop Prodromos to again visit the Holy Diocese of Perth on his next trip to Australia. The faithful were once again generous in their support and donations towards the missionary work in Southern Madagascar.

On Sunday evening, His Grace Bishop Prodromos Presided over the third Lenten vespers service at the Church of St Nektarios. Following the vespers service, the Holy Diocese of Perth hosted a dinner in honour of Bishop Prodromos in the Archdiocese offices which was attended by the clergy and presvyteras of the Diocese.

On Monday morning the 17th of March, His Grace Bishop Prodromos departed for Melbourne and was extremely thankful to His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Perth, the clergy and faithful of the Holy Diocese of Perth for their love and support towards the missionary work of the Orthodox Church in Southern Madagascar.

Across the weekend, a total of $36,000 was raised from the Holy Diocese of Perth for the missionary work in Southern Madagascar.