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Germany’s centre-left seeks coalition government after narrow election win

German Social Democrat Olaf Scholz has vowed to strengthen the European Union and keep up the transatlantic partnership in a three-way coalition government he hopes to form by Christmas to take over from Angela Merkel’s conservatives.

Scholz’s Social Democrats (SPD) came first in Sunday’s national election, just ahead of the conservatives, and aim to lead a government for the first time since 2005 in a coalition with the Greens and the liberal Free Democrats (FDP).

Mr Scholz, 63, projected a sense of calm assurance when asked whether the close election result and the prospect of prolonged coalition negotiations sent a message of instability in Germany to its European partners.

“Germany always has coalition governments and it was always stable,” he said in English on Monday, standing beside a statue of Willy Brandt, a Cold War-era SPD chancellor awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for fostering dialogue between East and West.

The SPD, Germany’s oldest party, won 25.7 per cent of the vote, up five percentage points from the 2017 federal election, ahead of Merkel’s CDU/CSU conservative bloc on 24.1 per cent, provisional results showed.

The Greens came in with 14.8 per cent and the FDP won 11.5 per cent.

The SPD’s recovery marks a tentative revival for centre-left parties in parts of Europe, following the election of Democrat Joe Biden as US president in 2020.

Norway’s centre-left opposition party also won an election earlier this month.

Mr Scholz, who served as finance minister in Merkel’s outgoing “grand coalition”, said a government led by him would offer the United States continuity in transatlantic relations.

“The transatlantic partnership is of essence for us in Germany … So you can rely on continuity in this question,” he said, adding it was important for democracies to work together in a dangerous world even allowing for occasional “conflicts”.

Mr Scholz said he hoped to agree a coalition before Christmas, “if possible”.

However, his conservative rival Armin Laschet, 60, said he could still try to form a government despite leading his CDU-CSU bloc to their worst ever national election result.

The parties will start sounding each other out on Monday about possible alliances in informal discussions.

Ms Merkel, who did not seek a fifth term as chancellor, will stay on in a caretaker role during the coalition negotiations that will set the future course of Europe’s largest economy.
