‘Five Loaves Initiative’: Parish of Saint Haralambos in Templestowe prepare hot meals and sandwiches for the homeless
With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia and with the guidance of His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, Saint Haralambos Parish in Templestowe, participated in their second round of hot meals and sandwich making for the ‘Five Loaves Initiative’ last week.
The Saint Haralambos Parish volunteers cooked close to 200 meals for the vulnerable. Those in need were treated to delicious succulent roast beef, Greek inspired rice and vegetables which were packaged with fresh fruit, an assortment of cakes, pastries and water.
The Meals were distributed to various crisis accommodation centres and the Queen Victoria Market on Thursday, 1 December 2022.
The volunteers on Sunday, 4 December made, packed and distributed 550 ham and cheese sandwiches and handed them out to the vulnerable at the Queen Victoria Market.
The Volunteers were moved by comments of appreciation expressed by the vulnerable as they said, “thank you and God bless you.”
Many are suffering in front of our eyes; however, they never fail to remember God and express their love and appreciation for what they receive!
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