Feast Day of Saint Demetrios and Greek National Day of OXI in Adelaide
For the Orthodox Christians, the feast days of our Churches are always special. This year, however, for the Parish of Saint Demetrios in Salisbury, Adelaide, the feast day’s celebrations had an even more special festive character, as we were honoured with the presence of a group of Evzones, the Presidential Guard of the Hellenic Republic, together with officers of the Armed Forces of Greece. We were also honoured by the presence of the Deputy Minister for Defense of the Hellenic Republic, the Hon Nikolaos Hardalias. Participating in the feast day were also the Consul General of Greece in South Australia Mr George Psiachas, the state MPs Mr Michael Brown and Mr John Fulbrook, and the Mayor of Salisbury Mrs Gillian Aldridge.
The representatives of Greece and the other dignitaries attended the Divine Liturgy officiated by His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, representing our Father and Archbishop, His Eminence Makarios of Australia, co-celebrating the Parish Priest Rev Fr Christos Tsoraklides, and the Rev Fr Georges Tahan from the Antiochian Orthodox jurisdiction. The Euzones gave special splendor to the celebration, standing in complete stillness on either side of the soleas honouring the great martyr Saint Demetrios.
In his sermon, His Grace encouraged the faithful to follow the example of St Demetrios in our lives having his faith and resulting bravery.
After the end of the Divine Liturgy, at the exit of the church, the faithful had the opportunity to be photographed with the Euzones as a precious memory of today’s festive experience.
Afterwards, the congregation together with the visitors from Greece and the other dignitaries attended the festive lunch, which was prepared with special love and care by the ladies of the Parish Philoptochos. During the meal, Fr Christos Tsoraklides addressed the faithful welcoming the Greek Minister, the Armed Forces officers and the Euzones. Fr Christos, on behalf of Saint Demetrios Parish, donated a plaque commemorating their visit to the Director of the Military Office of the Presidency of the Hellenic Republic Vice-Admiral Efthymios Mikros, the Deputy Minister for National Defense of Greece Mr Nikolaos Hardalias, and the Military Attaché of the Greek Embassy in Canberra Colonel Ioannis Fasianos. Mr Nikolaos Hardalias and Vice-Admiral Efthymios Mikros addressing the faithful thanked everyone for the great hospitality that they were received with and expressed the emotion that they experienced realising that the Greek migrants in Australia keep and are proud of their Greek identity. They also emphasised the high morale of the Greek Armed Forces, which are strong and ready to repel any challenge. The Deputy Minister Mr Nikolaos Hardalias presented to His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope the commemorative and honorary plaque of the Greek Armed Forces, on which the emblem of the Greek Armed Forces is depicted with the Greek flag in the background.
The spiritual euphoria of the faithful continued as on Friday 28 October 2022 the Greek National Day of OXI was celebrated in all the Parishes-Communities of our city.
The main celebration took place at Saint George Church, Thebarton. His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope officiated at the Matins and Divine Liturgy, representing our Father and Archbishop, His Eminence Makarios of Australia, co-celebrating the Parish Priests Very Rev Fr Diogenis Patsouris and Rev Fr Konstantinos Skoubourdis, and the Rev Fr Jeremy Krieg, director of the Greek Welfare Center “Saint Philothei” of the Archdiocesan District of Adelaide. The celebration was brightened up by the imposing presence once again of the Evzones accompanied by the rest of the distinguished guests from Greece. Also attending were, amongst others, the State Minister of Transport and Energy Hon Anastasios Koutsantonis, the State Minister of Culture and Business Affairs Hon Andrea Michaels, the Consul General of Greece in South Australia Mr George Psiachas, the State MP Ms Olivia Savvas, the State Senator Hon Konstantina Bonaros, the Federal MP Mr Steve Georganas, the Mayor of West Torrens Mr Michael Coxon.
Afer the end of the Divine Liturgy, at the monument erected in the Church yard by the Parish-Community of St George, Thebarton, in honour of the fallen for the Faith and Freedom, His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope officiated at the Trisagion Service for the repose of the souls of the fallen heroes for our motherland and Australia. The unveiling of the plaque was performed by the Minister Hon Anastasios Koutsantonis. Both speakers, the Ministers Hon Koutsantonis and the Deputy Minister Hon Nikolaos Hardalias, referred to the joint struggle of the Greek and Australian soldiers in World War II and emphasized the wonderful solidarity of the Greek civilians who cared for the Australian soldiers hiding them from the invaders at the risk of their lives.
The celebrations of the 28th of October 1940 continued on the following day, Saturday 29 October 2022, when His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, accompanied by the Clergy of Adelaide, officiated at the Trisagion at the War Memorial in the city for the repose of the souls of the fallen Greek and Australian heroes, followed by the laying of wreaths from all the above-mentioned Greek and Australian dignitaries together with the representatives of the Ethnic Greek Organisations and the Greek Orthodox Colleges of our Holy Archdiocese in our city. The ceremony was brightened up by his impressive presence of the Euzones. That was the last time we enjoyed their “levendia”, as later that day they departed our city.
We give thanks and glorify God for this three-day celebrations that filled our hearts with spiritual rejoicing.
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