Ecumenical Patriarch met Civil Governor of Mount Athos in the Phanar

On Saturday, May 29, 2021, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew received the President of the Brotherhood of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s Archons “Panagia Pammakaristos” and Civil Governor of Mount Athos, Athanasios Martinos.
As part of the annual pilgrimage of the Archons of the Throne, which always takes place on the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, Athanasios Martinos, who leads a delegation of the Brotherhood, paid his respects to the Ecumenical Patriarch and asked for the patriarchal blessing for the success of the Brotherhood’s work.
During the meeting, Athanasios Martinos was accompanied by the Archon Didaskalos of the Great Church of Christ, Konstantinos Delikostantis, who serves as the Secretary-General of the Brotherhood, and Dr. Grigorios Penelis, a close associate of his.
In the afternoon, the Ecumenical Patriarch presided over the Great Vespers of the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman at the Patriarchal Church in the Phanar.
It is reminded that the Sunday of the Samaritan has been established as a day of remembrance and honor of the Archbishops and Patriarchs of Constantinople who have been included in the Orthodox liturgical calendar.
Source: orthodoxtimes