Cyprus: First congregation after 9 years at the Holy Church of Panagia in the occupied Trachoni of Kythrea

With sanctity and modesty, the 15th church service was held in the Holy Church of Panagia in the occupied community of Trachoni, Kythrea. It is noted that this is the first congregation since 2014.
His Grace Bishop Grigorios of Mesaoria, on the morning of Saturday,11 March 2023, performed an Agiasmos blessing and then presided over the Matins and the Divine Liturgy, joined also by Protopresbyter Thomas Kostis and Deacon Andreas Mattei.
In his speech, the Bishop of Mesaoria referred to the Gospel passage of the day, where a leper approaches the Lord and says to him: “If you are willing, you can make me clean” (Mk. 1:40). Then the One who spoke and the whole world came into being, answered the suffering man: “I am willing, be cleansed” (Mk. 1: 41). “If the joy that man felt after his healing was great, then what will we say today who experience the grace of God, who participate in the sanctifying acts of the Church and who partake of the Immaculate Mysteries?
Our joy is indescribable but at the same time we realise the great responsibility we have towards our immortal soul and certainly towards every person who is an image of God. We must leave at the feet of the Crucified and Resurrected Jesus Christ everything that upsets us and beg Him as with the intercessions of the Most Holy Theotokos, the five Holy Hierarchs of Kythrea, Saint Nicholas and all the Saints to protect our loved ones, all our faithful brethren, those who are in trials and illness and the whole world”, mentioned His Grace Bishop Grigorios
After the prayer from behind the ambon, the Artoklasia, and Memorial of the Predecessors of Trachoni Kythrea were celebrated and then His Grace Bishop Grigorios read the Second Stanza of the Salutations to the Theotokos. After the end of the Divine Liturgy, there was a litany around the Holy Church.
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