Consecration of newly constructed Church of St. Nicholas, on small isle of Ammouliani, near Mt. Athos

The consecration of the newly constructed Church of St. Nicholas, located on the small isle of Ammouliani, will take place on Saturday, in the presence of Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, His Beatitude Ieronymos.
The cathedral is under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Holy Metropolis of Ierissos and Mount Athos.
Following the consecration and opening of the new cathedral, the resident Metropolitan, His Eminence Theoklitos, will bestow the Great Cross of the Holy Metropolis of Ierissos on the Elder Archimandrite Ephraim, the Abbot of the Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopedi.
Elder Ephraim will be honored for the Monastery’s contributions and support to the people and faithful of the isle, which lies just off the promontory of the semi-autonomous monastic community of Mount Athos, in the north of the Singitic Gulf.